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PHP Link Directory Script
Web Site URL:http://www.phplinkdirectory.com
Home Page:Click to Visit
Current Rating:10.00
Listing Type:Paid Listing
Cost :$25
ADD URL: Submit Your Web Site To Web Directory
Total Hits:489
Listings ID #:541
Added On:10-Dec-2008
Detail Information:
Title:PHP Link Directory Script new
Category: Web Directories : Directory Software : PHP Link Directory Script
Short Description:phpLD is now the most widely used directory script on the internet. Our customers have tested the script on over 50,000 websites, and we have been able to produce a script that works in nearly all PHP hosting environments.
Description:Another great advantage of phpLD is the number of templates and mods available. There are complete sites devoted to mods and templates, so in addtion to this site, you will find lots of helpful information elsewhere too. There is no shortage of people available to help you find success with your directory.
Rating Information:

Rate The Web Resouce Having Description:- Another great advantage of phpLD is the number of templates and mods available. There are complete sites devoted to mods and templates, so in addtion to this site, you will find lots of helpful information elsewhere too. There is no shortage of people available to help you find success with your directory.
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